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Check out my Podcast! These are brief episodes where my focus is on scripture to challenge the way you move throughout your daily experiences. I read a Psalm every episode with brief commentary. When I can, I include the New Testament references. Hear salvation agreements and theocentric views meant to inspire your daily living. Listen for Music Motif episodes when I share music notes and motif groupings I discover in the Psalms. Get a quick listen to draw closer to Christ Jesus, the Nature of Joy.

My podcast is hosted on Podbean. Click here to go directly there.

Hymns on Ephesians The Nature of Joy’s Podcast

Amazing Grace Blest Be the Tie That Binds The Churchs' One Foundation Sax, JB
  1. Hymns on Ephesians
  2. Christmas, a Promise Fulfilled
  3. Christmas, a Promise and the Resurrection
  4. Christmas, a Promise and the prophet Isaiah
  5. Christmas, a Promise, Moses, and King David